Libros de divulgación

Chemistry. Today and Tomorrow. The Central, Useful and Creative Science.
Ronald Breslow
ACS, Washington, DC, 1997

Designing the Molecular World. Chemistry at the Frontier.
Phillip Ball
Princeton University Press, Princeton (NJ), 1994

Breve historia de la Química. Introducción a las ideas y conceptos de la Química.
Isaac Asimov
Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 8ª reimpresión, 1985

Chemistry in the Marketplace
Ben Selinger
Allen & Unwin, Crows Nest (Australia), 5ª edición, 1998

Chemical Curiosities
Herbert W. Roesky y Klaus Möckel
VCH, Weinheim (Alemania), 1994

Vanity, Vitality, and Virility. The Science behind the Products you Love to buy.
John Emsley
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004


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